I love running Ram Eye, and I do it completely out of love. But even without paying myself a wage, running a lit mag isn't cheap. If you would like to support Ram Eye (thank you so much!) here are a few ways you can do it.
1. Buy the magazines They're available on our shop and they're really, really good! Once our outgoing costs (for printing etc.) are covered, everything earned is funnelled directly back into Ram Eye, and hopefully one day into the dream of being able to pay our brilliant contributors.
2. Leave us a tip Maybe you don't want to pay the full price of a magazine, but you'd still like to toss a coin or two our way. We're on Ko-Fi and are always massively grateful to receive any size tip.
3. Get the word out If you read and enjoy Ram Eye's publications, tell a friend! Share it on Twitter! Leave a review - we're on Goodreads and StoryGraph! Word-of-mouth is vital for independent presses. Plus, I love our magazines as much as you do, so I'm always willing to gush about how good this story or that art or those poems are!
4. Give us a follow! We're @rameyepress on Twitter and Instagram and would love to have you join us! Growing our follower count helps to get out name out there and in front of potential readers. And if you want to throw us the occasionally like or retweet, we'll be extra grateful.
5. Support our friends! There are a lot of great independent lit mags and presses out there and they're doing amazing things. I firmly believe that when one indie wins, all of us win, so if you're looking for a read but horror isn't your thing or you're just not feeling our vibe, here are a few other indies I recommend you check out: